Benvenuti in Carrozzeria Andreose

Caratterizzata da sempre dall'utilizzo delle migliori attrezzature, dalla grande esperienza e professionalità offre innumerevoli servizi in grado di soddisfare al meglio le esigenze della propria clientela, è inoltre molto conosciuta nella zona per la raddrizzatura dei bolli "da grandine" senza riverniciatura.



Newsflash (5)

Martedì 12 Agosto 2008 00:25

Newsflash 4

Scritto da Administrator
Yesterday all servers in the U.S. went out on strike in a bid to get more RAM and better CPUs. A spokes person said that the need for better RAM was due to some fool increasing the front-side bus speed. In future, buses will be told to slow down in residential motherboards.
Martedì 12 Agosto 2008 00:17

Newsflash 5

Scritto da Administrator
Joomla! 1.5 - 'Experience the Freedom'!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic Web site. Manage all your content from the best CMS admin interface and in virtually any language you speak.
Domenica 10 Agosto 2008 06:30

Newsflash 3

Scritto da Administrator

With a library of thousands of free Extensions, you can add what you need as your site grows. Don't wait, look through the Joomla! Extensions library today.

Sabato 09 Agosto 2008 22:30

Newsflash 2

Scritto da Administrator

The one thing about a Web site, it always changes! Joomla! makes it easy to add Articles, content, images, videos, and more. Site administrators can edit and manage content 'in-context' by clicking the 'Edit' link. Webmasters can also edit content through a graphical Control Panel that gives you complete control over your site.

Domenica 10 Agosto 2008 06:30

Newsflash 1

Scritto da Administrator

Joomla! makes it easy to launch a Web site of any kind. Whether you want a brochure site or you are building a large online community, Joomla! allows you to deploy a new site in minutes and add extra functionality as you need it. The hundreds of available Extensions will help to expand your site and allow you to deliver new services that extend your reach into the Internet.